Who We Are


We support University compliance efforts to act in accordance with our deepest held values and ethics including equal opportunity, inclusion, diversity, safety, integrity, security, and privacy. We support UNM values by listening to and responding to claims of discrimination and sexual misconduct, enabling supportive measures to the UNM community, collecting and reporting data to promote transparency and safety initiatives, facilitating workplace accommodations, and acting as a resource for the campus to act in accordance with laws and University policies.


We envision CEEO as a centralized resource where individuals and departments know their obligations under the law, their rights, and their ethical responsibilities. We see a campus where everyone’s actions are driven by our flagship University's deepest held values: a world-class education, service to community, equal opportunity, inclusion, diversity, safety, and integrity.


Respect. CEEO demonstrates respect to everyone it encounters by being transparent about its processes, supporting robust and compliant privacy and security practices, treating everyone in the UNM community fairly, and listening to questions and concerns with empathy.

Integrity. CEEO acts with the highest moral principles by respecting everyone, fostering trust with UNM and the greater community, and following through with our commitments and obligations under the law and UNM policies.

Diversity. CEEO demonstrates its commitment to diversity by working with campus partners to work toward inclusion and equity, guiding departments to achieve affirmative action benchmarks for hiring and promotion through best practices and sound data, identifying ways to promote and improve equal opportunity, and providing direction and resources to departments to develop more diverse, accessible, and inclusive spaces at UNM.

Support. CEEO demonstrates support by providing guidance to UNM leadership and departments, helping individuals obtain supportive measures to thrive at UNM, improving access to UNM’s opportunities, and promoting a safe campus environment with accurate data and best practices.

Neutrality. CEEO demonstrates neutrality by listening to questions and concerns without judgment, without advocating for a specific outcome, and by communicating with parties equitably regardless of their status or rank.