Clery Act Compliance FAQs

The Clery Act

If the U.S. Department of Education (ED) were to find UNM out of compliance with the Clery Act, the consequences could be severe. Being found noncompliant in any area of our Clery Act compliance would subject our institution to;

  • Fines of up to $69,733 for any violation ED found through an audit,
  • The loss of federal financial aid (Title IV funding),
  • On-site monitoring by ED,
  • Reputational damage, and 
  • Community distrust.

Clery Act compliance is an institution-wide responsibility. That makes every individual at UNM with Clery Act responsibilities invaluable to helping our University remain compliant.

Clery Act Statistics

The Clery Act requires UNM and other universities to disclose information about only certain crimes and attempted crimes that occur within Clery geography. They are murder/non-negligent manslaughter, manslaughter by negligence, rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, weapons law violations, drug abuse violations, liquor law violations, and certain hate crimes.

Definitions for these Clery Act offenses are available on the Clery Act Offenses section of this page.

To view a record of all crimes that get reported to UNMPD within its expanded patrol zone, to include Clery Act crimes, visit the daily crime log located on the UNM Police Department website.

Campus Security Authorities

The Clery Coordinator is responsible for identifying and notifying employees who carry the CSA designation. If you believe that because of your role at the University, you should be a received receiver of crime reports, please contact the Clery Coordinator at or 505-277-5251.

Typically, no. Only employees are eligible for CSA status. If a student is also employed by UNM, there is a possibility they will be designated as a CSA.

Register. If you have been notified that you are designated as a CSA, the first thing you need to do is register with CEEO. Registration is a quick process. On the UNM Police Department website, click on “CSA Member Home”. When you reach the CSA Member Site, select “CSA Registration” from the top menu and proceed with entering your information.

Complete training. After you receive confirmation that the Clery Coordinator has approved your registration, you will need to complete training. The CSA training module is located on the CSA Member Site (select “Required CSA Training” from the top menu) and on Learning Central. Employees and groups can also request in-person CSA training using the online CEEO Training Request Form.

Report. After you register and complete your training, your role as a CSA is to bring forward any reports of Clery crimes that you receive or personally witness involving anyone to the Clery Coordinator or UNMPD in an accurate and timely manner.

CSAs can file a crime report with the UNM Police Department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week either:

  • By phone: 505-277-2241*
  • In person: On the west end of Hokona Hall (2500 Campus Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131)
  • Online:*

If the victim does not wish to report to police, they can do so at any time. However, to fulfill your CSA responsibilities, you can report the incident to CEEO either:

  • Online using the CSA Crime Report Form (preferred unless it involves an emergency)
  • Online through EthicsPoint*
  • By calling the EthicsPoint Compliance hotline (1-888-899-6092)*
  • By contacting the Clery Coordinator directly at or 505-277-5251*

In an emergency, dial 9-1-1 from your phone, through Lobo Guardian app, or by activating any of the emergency blue-light phones across campus.

*Anonymous reporting option

No. Any CSA can disclose crime statistics to the Clery Coordinator without identifying the parties involved. However, even providing the initials of those involved helps CEEO accurately classify and count Clery Act crime statistics for inclusion in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

Also, keep in mind that because CSAs are UNM employees, they are also considered Responsible Employees under Title IX. This means that any CSA who receives a disclosure of or personally witnesses a crime involving an alleged or attempted sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking must report it to UNM’s Title IX Coordinator within 24 hours. Only employees at confidential support sites are exempt from Responsible Employee status.

In most cases, no. The Clery Coordinator and the rest of CEEO only forward report to law enforcement when state or federal law requires it (for instance, in cases of child abuse) or when the victim wishes us to do so. CEEO can also assist someone with reporting to law enforcement if they choose to do so.

If CEEO learns through a crime report of a potential threat to UNM students or employees on campus, we will most likely notify the UNM Police Department to facilitate a campus notification as required by the Clery Act if the situation warrants it. Such communication, however, does not qualify an official report to police on behalf of the original reporter or victim.

Campus Notifications

Typically, UNM issues Lobo Alerts via text when we learn of a potential threat to students or employees on campus. These messages indicate there might be an emergency approaching or in progress and you should take steps to protect yourself and others by following the instructions in the message. Monitor the situation by checking your phone and email for follow-up Alerts or Advisories or follow UNM on social media for updates.

UNM issues Lobo Advisories most frequently by UNM email when we receive a report of a Clery crime that has already taken place and poses an ongoing or serious threat to students or employees. When you receive a Lobo Advisory, read the contents to learn ways you can protect yourself from falling victim to a similar crime in the future.

No. You may opt out of one or the other but are not permitted to opt out of campus notifications. The Clery Act requires that every member of the University be registered to receive emergency notifications and timely warnings so they can take steps to protect themselves from harm.

No. Alerts and Advisories never provide information that might identify a victim.

The Clery Act requires institutions of higher education like UNM that receive federal funding through Title IV to issue emergency notifications and timely warnings under the federal Clery Act. The Clery Act does not govern municipalities like the City of Albuquerque or Bernalillo County. However, UNM does communicate with external agencies to stay informed about potential or ongoing threats to students or employees and communicate any through UNM’s Lobo Alert or Lobo Advisory notification system. 

Yes. UNM is committed to keeping our entire community informed and safe. Community members who are not registered as a student or employee with UNM can create an account and begin receiving Lobo Alerts and Lobo Advisories via text and email on the UNM Community Text site.

The Intersection of the Clery Act and Title IX

The Clery Act is a federal consumer protection law that requires federally funded institutions of higher education to notify campus of impending emergency or ongoing threats, and publicly outline policies in place to address safety and security, identify and train Campus Security Authorities, support victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking by notifying them of their right and the University’s obligations to them, and disclosing crime statistics on an annual and ongoing basis. University Administrative Policy 2745: Clery Act Compliance governs UNM’s compliance with the Clery Act.

Title IX is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. Title IX requires that schools receiving federal funding respond to and investigate alleged incidents of sexual harassment, which includes quid pro quo sexual harassment, unwelcome sexual conduct, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The law also requires the University to publicly outline complaint resolution process in place, refer victims to resources, offer supportive measures to all parties involved in the administrative investigation process, and explain disciplinary procedures. University Administrative Policy 2740: Sexual Harassment Including Sexual Assault (Interim) governs UNM’s compliance with Title IX.

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are University employees who, by virtue of their role involving students or campus activities, are preferred receivers of crime reports who are asked to bring them forward to the Clery Coordinator in a timely manner. The Clery Coordinator identifies these employees, notifies them of their status, and oversees their training. See CEEO’s Clery and Campus Safety page or University Administrative Policy 2745: Clery Act Compliance more information about CSAs.

Responsible Employees are University employees who are considered mandatory reporters under Title IX for the purpose of bringing reports of alleged sexual harassment and misconduct to the attention of UNM’s Title IX Coordinator. In order for the University to comply with Title IX respond effectively to individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct, all UNM staff and faculty are Responsible Employees. Those who receive information about a person who has experienced sexual misconduct must report the information to CEEO within 24 hours, or as soon as reasonably practicable. See CEEO’s Title IX page or University Administrative Policy 2740: Sexual Harassment Including Sexual Assault (Interim) more information about Responsible Employees and confidential support sites that are exempt.

If you are a CSA, you are also a Responsible Employee pursuant to Title IX, even if you work in a confidential support site. If you are a Responsible Employee, you may or may not be designated as a CSA under the Clery Act depending on your role at the University. If you are unsure about whether you are a CSA or if you believe that because of your role at UNM, you should be a received receiver of crime reports, please contact the Clery Coordinator at or 505-277-5251.